Sergey Novozhilov

President of the Fund

Born on July 29, 1959 in Moscow. In 1982 he graduated with honors from Kalinin State University, History Department.
The beginning of his work in the cinematography since 1984 revealed the talent of the manager and the creative potential of Mr. Novozhilov: both in organizing concerts with the participation of film and theater actors, and an important role in the formation of the Guild of Film Actors of Russia.
Sergey is the artistic director of the KinoShock Film Festival, which during the years of his activity becomes original, highly artistic and unlike any other domestic festival.
Since 2003 Sergey Novozhilov has been the organizer and President of the Open Russian Festival of Cinema and Theater “Amur Autumn”. The festival has been established not only as a significant cultural event in the Far East of Russia, that now has a special place in political, economic, cultural, and social aspects, but also as an important political event founded to strengthen Russian-Chinese cultural relations.
For nine years Sergey Novozhilov held the position of secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia.
Sergey Novozhilov is the organizer of film festivals and events, such as the Open Russian Film Festival Provincial Russia (Russia, Yeysk), the International Short Film Festival of the Baltic Sea countries Open Place, the International Film Festival NALCHIK (Kabardino-Balkaria, Nalchik), and many others.
Sergey Novozhilov was awarded the Gratitude of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, the badge of Honor “For Contribution to the Cause of Friendship of the Russian Center for International and Cultural Cooperation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation”, the Order for the Improvement of the Russian Land of the III degree of the International Academy of Social Sciences; he is an Honored Artist of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. He was also awarded the commendations of the State Duma Committee on Culture for the personal contribution to the creation and development of the Guild of Film Actors of Russia and also of Nikita Mikhalkov, Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia.

The Fund BLAGAYA VEST has been organizing cultural events and projects since 2002:

· Open Russian Film Festival Provincial Russia (Russia, Yeysk) 2013-2018
· International Baltic Sea Short Film Festival OpenPlace 2013-2018
· NALCHIK International Film Festival (Kabardino-Balkaria, Nalchik) 2016-2018
· Open festival of film and TV programs Vyatka in Kirov and the cities of the Kirov region 2004-2005
· Festival of domestic films Lipetsk Choice in Lipetsk and Lipetsk region 2005-2018
· Presentation of the First Open Festival of Russian cinema Caucasus and the World in Nalchik (May 3-8, 2010)
· The first Charity Festival Care of the Future in Maykop (May 16-23, 2010)
· The XII Open Russian Comedy Festival Smile, Russia! from October 14 to 22, 2011
· A block of Events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
· Victory Film Marathon in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and the Republic of Adygea in May 2010;
· A concert evening dedicated to the Victory Day in Tskhinval in May 2010
· A concert dedicated to Victory Day in Sukhumi in May 2010
· Randevouz with Armenia Festival in Yerevan 2010
· Randevouz with Russia Tourist Film Festival (Rostov on Don, Yekaterinburg) 2010-2011
· Russian Renaissance Festival of Russian Cinema in Mongolia. 2008-2011
· Russian Cinema Week in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro 2013-2018
· Russian Cinema Week in Mexico 2016

Mr. Novozhilov is the author and presenter of the following programs:
· Creative evening of Honored Artist of Russia Natalia Varley Caucasian captive – 35 years old at the Cinema House of the Russian Academy of Sciences
· Charity evening Repeating the names of beloved from the cycle Great and Unique at the Cinema House of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002.
· Charity evening dedicated to Soviet actors of the 60s of the twentieth century, from the cycle Repeating the names of beloved at the Cinema House of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003;
· Creative evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the Honored Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ivanova at the Cinema House of the Russian Academy of Science, 2003;
· Creative evening dedicated to the Todorovsky cinematographic dynasty, within the framework of the 24th Moscow International Film Festival of the House of Cinema of Russia, June 22, 2003;
· Anniversary evening dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of People’s Artist of the USSR Vladlen Davydov of the House of Cinema, 2004.
· Anniversary evening dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the birth of People’s Artist of Russia, director Rodion Nakhapetov at the Cinema House of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2004.
· Anniversary evening dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of People’s Artist of Russia Zinaida Sharko at the Cinema House of the Russian Academy of Sciences, April 26, 2004.
· Anniversary evening of the movie Amphibian Man, 2006
· Anniversary evening of People’s Artist of Russia Tatiana Konyukhova, 2006
· Anniversary evening of People’s Artist of Russia Larisa Luzhina, 2006
· Anniversary evening of People’s Artist of the USSR Rezo Chkheidze, 2007
· Anniversary evening of People’s Artist of the USSR Vyacheslav Tikhonov, 2008
· Anniversary evening of People’s Artist of Russia Sergey Nikonenko, 2011
· Anniversary evening of the People’s Artist of the USSR Inna Makarova, 2011
· Anniversary evening of the Honored Artist of Russia Eleonora Shashkova, 2012;
· Anniversary evening of People’s Artist of Russia Sergey Shakurov, 2012;
· Anniversary evening of People’s Artist of Russia Zinaida Kiriyenko, 2013;
· Anniversary evening of the Honored Artist of Russia, composer Grigory Gladkov, 2014;
· Anniversary evening of People’s Artist of Russia Larisa Luzhina, 2014;
· Anniversary evening of the People’s Artist of Russia Vladimir Fokin, 2015;
· Anniversary evening of Honored Artist of Russia Sergey Kolesnikov, 2015;
· Anniversary evening of People’s Artist of Russia Tatiana Koniukhova, 2016;
· Anniversary evening of People’s Artist of Russia Evgeny Gerasimov 2016

More than

events in the field of culture

More than

people have been provided with services in the field of culture

About us

  • We carry out activities for the preservation and popularization of spiritual and cultural heritage and support in the creation of new cultural and art objects, opening unexplored pages of the richest historical past and engaging in cultural and spiritual education.

  • We support significant cultural and social events: festivals, exhibitions, competitions, concerts, creative evenings; we hold international events, contributing to the systematic and comprehensive promotion of Russian culture in Russia and abroad.

  • We support creative youth, render in the implementation of educational projects.

The project of the Fund BLAGAYA VEST

The headliner of the Fund BLAGAYA VEST is
Open Russian festival of cinema and theater AMUR AUTUMN.

The open Russian festival AMUR AUTUMN is a landmark international cultural event for the Far East and is known far beyond its borders. The festival has been held since 2002 with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Amur Region.
The festival is a synthesis of theatrical, musical and visual arts aimed at developing the cultural identity of the peoples of our country.
The only festival that unites two types of art – cinema and theater. The festival traditionally takes place in the middle of September in the Amur Region and Khabarovsk Territory and attracts attention of tens of thousands of spectators and outstanding cultural figures.
The festival venues are represented not only in Blagoveshchensk and Khabarovsk, but also in regional centers. So, in 2019, the festival’s events were held at 29 venues, which were visited by about 50 thousand spectators. More than 250 famous cultural figures took part in the events, and in 2020-2021 more than 50 thousand people watched online broadcasts of the festival events.


Open Russian festival "Kinoshok"

The open Russian Film Festival “Kinoshok” has been held every year in September in Anapa since 1992 and it is one of the largest film festivals in Russia. The festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnodar Territory and the Administration of the city of Anapa.
The festival competitive programs feature films from different regions of Russia and CIS countries, in addition, among the festival participants are films the sites of which are in the regions of Russia.

One of the objectives of the festival is to create a united platform where films from different regions of Russia are presented, a joint cultural environment on a nationwide scale. Very often, authors from the regions of Russia, while making films, do not have the opportunity to show their films, to see what their colleagues from other cities are shooting, and therefore one of the important tasks of the festival is to create a joint cinema space.
Within the framework of the festival, 5 competitions are always held, where the whole range of domestic cinema is represented – a full-length feature film competition, a short feature film competition, a documentary film competition, a television series competition (“TV show”) and a family viewing film competition (KinoMalyShok – CineBabyShock (translator’s note))

The KinoShock Film Festival is of great interest to both cultural figures and the audience, the festival has always been an important event for the city and a huge event for people waiting for the festival throughout the year.

The First Russian festival of military-patriotic and historical cinema in Novorossiysk

The First Russian festival of military-patriotic and historical cinema in Novorossiysk was held 2-6 May, 2021 with the support of the Novorossiysk City Administration. The festival creates new extraordinary forms of affirmation of historical truth and patriotism. The project pays special attention to the participation of young people 16-30 years old in the events of the festival. The active participation of young people in such projects consolidates a new generation of Russian citizens around common values, inspires creativity.
The festival presents a new full-length Russian cinema in the competition program. In addition, the festival includes out-of-competition and special screening, informational programs and discussions, performances and creative meetings, and much more.
The audience of different ages is able to find events to their liking. The program includes retrospectives of classic Soviet films about World War II. Historical dates and anniversaries are remembered and celebrated within the framework of the festival.
A festival of this kind is absolutely necessary and very important, because there is no future without the past. Historical events, deeds of the past days, personalities and their stories – all this forms our past. The spectators are able to see and understand how our ancestors lived, to preserve the memory for posterity. By preserving memory, we get an emotional experience, preventing a real one, warning society about the horrors of war. The aim of the festival is to awaken the interest of the younger generation in their history, empathy of man to man, love for their homeland and its traditions.

Legal Information:

Full name of the organization:


Date of registration of the organization:: 28.10.2002

Address of the organization:

105120, Moscow, Sergiy Radonezhsky str., d 29-31, sq. 11



+7 (925) 360-70-88

Многообразная и разно жанровая программа Международного кинофестиваля «Кабардино-Балкария 2023» благодаря средствам киноискусства, познакомила зрителей с острыми социальными проблемами, показала актуальность затронутых тем в условиях современных реалий. Дала уникальную возможность, с точки видения режиссеров и актерского состава, прочувствовать различные жизненные аспекты. Вспомнить о нравственности и моральных ценностях, которые необходимы в настоящее время. Разнообразие кинокартин рассказало об уникальности культуры нашей страны, показало различный уровень жизни как известных, так и простых людей. Возродила и укрепила интерес и уважение к культурным ценностям России и зарубежных стран, подняла патриотический дух у жителей и гостей Кабардино-Балкарии. Дала возможность детям и молодежи проявить и развить свой творческий потенциал.

Фестиваль включил в программу картины как Российского, так и зарубежного производства, которые выполнены на высоком профессиональном уровне, и при помощи искусства кино продвигает духовно-нравственные ценности в широкие массы.

Одним из наиболее важных моментов в организации и проведении фестиваля стало то, что проект помог людям старшего поколения разнообразить культурный уровень жизни, а молодежи дал возможность для формирования их духовно-нравственных ценностей, взглядов на будущее, что, несомненно, оказало позитивное влияние на их жизнь. Нам удалось поспособствовать повышению профессионального уровня творческих коллективов и работников сферы культуры г. Нальчик с помощью проведения мастер-классов, творческих встреч с участием популярных артистов театра и кино. Участниками  и почетными гостями фестиваля стали известные артисты Российской Федерации, такие как народная артистка РСФСР Лариса Анатольевна Лужина, народная артистка РФ Наталья Федоровна Гвоздикова, актриса театра и кино Елена Захарова, актриса театра и кино Екатерина Волкова,  актер театра и кино Анатолий Гущин, актриса театра и кино Евгения Лютая,  актер театра и кино Павел Новиков, актер театра и кино Петр Баранчеев и многие другие популярные артисты. Почетными гостями фестиваля стали заслуженные работники Министерства культуры и искусства Кабардино-Балкарской Республики: заместитель министра культуры КБР Карчаева Аминат Хадисовна, руководитель Архивной службы Кабардино-Балкарской Республики Шогенов Шахим Хаталиевич, руководитель Управления по государственной охране объектов культурного наследия Кабардино-Балкарской Республики Гонтарь Олег Николаевич и многие другие.

Во время проведения фестиваля были охвачены не только обычные жители и гости города Нальчик, но и люди с ограниченными возможностями (ОВЗ). На церемониях открытия и закрытия, на творческих встречах и на кинопоказах их было 6 человек. Они могли передвигаться самостоятельно, без посторонней помощи. Площадки, на которых проходили мероприятия фестиваля оборудованы для беспрепятственного доступа людей с ОВЗ в учреждения культуры.  Для зрителей с ОВЗ были подготовлены и вручены пригласительные билеты на церемонии открытия и закрытия, на творческие встречи и, конечно, на кинопоказы.  Артисты с радостью и вниманием давали автографы и фотографировались с ними. Все было организовано так, чтобы эта категория зрителей не чувствовала никаких неудобств, а в полной мере смогли получить удовольствие и приятные эмоции от фестиваля.

Всего было показано и проведено:

  • Кинопоказы-14;
  • Творческие встречи-6;
  • Мастер-классы-6;
  • Заседание круглого стола-1


Посетили мероприятия (кол-во человек):

  • Красная дорожка более 300 чел.;
  • Церемония открытия 738 чел.;
  • Кинопоказы (вместимость зала 225 человек):




  1. Конкурсный показ фильма «Суворов: Великое путешествие» 172 чел.;
  2. Конкурсный показ фильма «Огород» 208 чел.;
  3. Конкурсный показ фильма «Нюрнберг» 191 чел.;
  4. Конкурсный показ фильма «Донецк: водная блокада» 133 чел.;
  5. Конкурсный показ фильма «Продается дом» 147 чел.



  1. Конкурсный показ фильма «Наша зима» 117 чел.;
  2. Конкурсный показ фильма «Золотая бронза» 83 чел.;
  3. Конкурсный показ фильма «Плакать нельзя» 165 чел.;
  4. Конкурсный показ фильма «Искусство смерти» 142 чел.;
  5. Конкурсный показ фильма «Танки за почки» 115 чел.;



  1. Конкурсный показ фильма «Чинк: хвостатый детектив» 208 чел.;
  2. Конкурсный показ фильма «Приключения маленького Бахи» 188 чел.;
  3. Конкурсный показ фильма «Голова-жестянка» 134 чел.;
  4. Конкурсный показ фильма «Один настоящий день» 175 чел.;


Творческие встречи:


  1. Творческая встреча 17:00 (272 чел.);
  2. Творческая встреча 19:00 (291 чел.)



  1. Творческая встреча 17:00 (264 чел.);
  2. Творческая встреча 19:00 (301чел.)



  1. Хорен Чахалян, режиссура (2 мастер-класса) 25 чел.;
  2. Вахтанг Хурцилава, пластика (2 мастер-класса) 39 чел.;
  3. Максим Онищенко, актерское мастерство (2 мастер-класса) 36 чел.;
  4. Красная дорожка более 300 чел.;
  5. Церемония закрытия 735 чел.